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The Energy Healer's Oracle Gift

Dear Cariad,

Thank you for purchasing a copy of The Energy Healer's Oracle.   hope you enjoyed it and found inspiration in my story.

I'm really excited that you want to take the next step in your personal and spiritual development journey. Tapping into the energy of The Divine Rays and Sacred Flames can be incredibly powerful; life-changing.

Your gift, my meditation with the Cosmic Lady Ascended Master Annami and The Ray of The Cosmic Divine Mother, can be downloaded below.

At the time of Atlantis, the Priestesses of the Divine Mother tapped into this energy, the energy of The Void for the benefit of all.  Since 2012 this powerful healing frequency has been available to all for the healing of mind, body, spirit and soul; since 2021 it has become available on a deeper level as part of Divine Feminine Reiki.

Please ensure you follow the spiritual protection and intention-setting and finishing steps that I've outlined in my chapter and take your time with this practice, this is a powerful divine frequency and can create shifts in your life.  Holding, or visualizing a Jet crystal is also helpful. 

I would love to hear your feedback and experiences with this meditation; you can e-mail me at

If you'd like to work deeper with the Divine Rays and Sacred Flames, my books, spiritual tools,  workshops and retreats can support you.  You can use these energies to align with your soul's path and create a life of ease and grace; take a look around my website and see what makes your soul sing.

The Cosmic Lady Ascended Master Annami's wish for you, expressed in The Book of Many Colours: Awaken Your Soul's Purpose With The Divine Rays is below. This is the tip of the iceberg given the potential of what can be achieved by bathing in this divine energy......

Abundant blessings,

Angela Orora

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Black Sky

Sisters and brothers,

when you connect with this Ray

you will understand your dreams better.

The Void is the primordial lake of creation.

Travel to this space and bathe in it when you wish

your Soul to be healed.

Cleanse yourself in its energy, 

experience stillness.

The Cosmic Lady Ascended Master Annami 

The Book Of Many Colours 2021

Meditation With Lady Annami &
The Ray Of The Cosmic Divine Mother

Click here to download

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Sharing this file or links to the files is in breach of our T&C's. These files are intended for customers who've purchased from us.

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Angela Orora x

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