Your Violet Flame Subscribers Gift
Dear Cariad,
I hope you find working with the Violet Flame and its powerful patrons rewarding.
I've created these images of the patrons, as I see them, so that you can print them off and use them in your meditations and sacred spaces.
(I'm also happy if you want to use them in your classes, and advertising on social media, providing you credit me and share my website details in your posts.)
As well as accrediting Violet Flame Rescue Healing for St Germain, you may know, that I'm a Master Teacher of many healing modalities and have many more tools and training that can support you to align with your soul's path and live a life of ease and grace.
I have channeled two books for St Germain on the Divine Rays and Sacred Flames which you can find in my shop, or on Amazon and other online platforms and created channeled Alchemical Aura Mists to connect to many of the Divine Rays.
Take a look around my website and see what makes your soul sing.
I wish you a deep connection to the Patrons of the Violet Flame, love, and light and leave you with a message from St Germain from The Book of Many Colours.
Abundant blessings,
Angela Orora
This is your time - the time of enlightenment
You can choose whether to sit, remain in your current position,
and be blind to the possibilities or to embrace them
As always it is your choice
The balance of existing in this human world or soaring with all the gifts
of your spirit are your choices
Choose wisely dear ones; your future and the future of all sentient beings
depends on this choice
The Ascended Master St Germain
Channelled by Angela Orora Augst 2020
Please enjoy...
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